Initial ideas for learning experiences

I am now starting week 5 learning path which asked us to start to think how to design effective collections of learning experiences to achieve the identified objectives, and how we enrich our learning experiences using ICT and why we use the specific digital technologies in the learning experiences.

These are the several ideas that I have in my mind:

1st learning experience:

Aim: To explore the cultural diversity in the cohort, focusing on celebrations (i.e. family celebrations, religious or cultural celebrations)

Teaching strategies:

  1. To reflect school event – Multicultural week, set up classroom and learning environment: decorate classroom with country flags, celebrations photos (all over the world), celebrations word wall vocabulary. To begin with, discuss with students about the decorations in the classroom.
  2. watch a video clip about celebrations
  3. Encourage the students to share some of their experiences of the personal and family celebrations. Jot down each celebration using IWB.
  4. Talk about the celebrations students mentioned during the lesson such as the characteristics of these celebrations (i.e. special food, clothing and decorations)(teacher must be prepared to talk about these celebrations, hence teacher need to be well prepared and have done research for each celebration that students might celebrate in his/her classroom – this means that teacher need to find out student’s culture/religion and list some celebrations that they might celebrate prior the lesson), and adding on some important celebrations in Australia (celebrations that were not mention during the lesson). note for teacher: prepare a presentation slides for the celebrations he/she might have in the classrooms.
  5. Use IWB to making a calendar of commemorative events that students, their family and friends celebrate. (student involvement: ask students to put their birthday in the calendar – so everyday before we start the lesson, we can look at our calendar and check if there is any birthday on that day).
  6. To wrap up, give students the checklist (to bring home) for the requirements for next learning experience. Checklist will include: a template to complete (involve parents participation) – write or draw to describe what students celebrate at home, bringing a photo of celebration (request parents to email the photo(s) to the teacher to soft copy, in case students forgot to bring in hard copy, and soft copy of the photo can be shared using IWB which everyone can see and allow enlarge feature)

My ideas are inspired by this website.

Until next post…

6 thoughts on “Initial ideas for learning experiences

      1. I was in a prep class when they covered part of this topic, the kids really enjoyed it and it works really well if you’re in a school that is particularly diverse in culture and background! Good luck!

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